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BONIVIRI benefit company

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Via Etnea 29, Catania

+39 351 577 0816

BONIVIRI benefit company

limited liability

Via Etnea 29, Catania

+39 351 577 0816


With Boniviri, eating well means creating value.

With the Boniviri project, those who produce and those who consume consciously choose to preserve the values of the territory, local heritage and protect the environment.

With Boniviri, eating well means creating value.

With the Boniviri project, those who produce and those who consume consciously choose to preserve the values of the territory, local heritage and protect the environment.


schermata 2022-02-21 alle 12.06.24



Vegan is better:  Veganuary, the most sustainable month of the year

2023-01-09 17:12

Roberta Pappalardo

sustainability, vegan food, ecological cuisine, veganuary, vegano, veg, cucina vegetale, cucina green,

veganuary vegetale

This year, our New Year's resolutions include something special: eat less meat and eat healthier. But we are not the first one to have the same goal for the new

Happy Veganuary foodie!

This year, our New Year's resolutions include something special: eat less meat and eat healthier. But we are not the first ones to have the same goal for the new year.

Quite the opposite, since 2014 a British non-profit organization has launched Veganuary, an entire month all about the vegan diet with the aim of raising awareness about meat consumption and showing people the effects of this diet on the environment.

And who knows, maybe someone will continue to be vegan after January!





One of the major problems with the vegan diet is the narrative behind it. Sometimes some ingredients have been put in a bad light, but in reality vegan diet phylosophy is much wider. The world is going through an unprecedented food crisis and some products affect this crisis more than others. Beyond the fact that some products may have some influence on our bodies, the data show that the partecipation of 2,5 millions of people to this initiative during the whole Jenuary 2022 had resulted in a savings of 207,680 tons of CO2 eq, the equivalent of 2.4 million flights from London to Paris.


What is the story behind the vegan movement? 

It all began in 1944 when Donald Watson, after witnessing the slaughter of a pig decided to exclude any animal derivative from all aspects of his life. This includes not only eating habits but also clothing etc. This moment effectively was the beginning of the founding of the Vegan Society.

Nowadays, the vegan movement is not only focused on respecting animal rights, but also on the impact on the environment. This translates into welcoming a broader target audience made up not only by those who are genuinely concerned about animal rights but also those who have special consideration for Planet's Health.

The vegan movement in recent years has become so important that it has determined new business models, emphasizing the need to certify these products in order to guarantee safety for the customers. 


Fast, Sustainable and Simple recipes

Even though vegan products exist and are safe both from a health point of view and in terms of quality assurance certificate, consumers often wonder how to replace  animal derivatives and which recipes can be completely vegan but, at the same time, satisfy the palate. Although it is difficult to imagine to not eat any meat, milk or eggs, frequently used in italian cuisine, a large part of our tradition has always been based on the use of completely green products, and we can prove it to you.

Here you'll find a simple, immediate recipe, also suitable for those who do not like to spend so much time in the kitchen but at the same time want to eat healthy, recommended by star chef Andrea Berton. 

For those who, on the other hand, are approaching the world of cooking for the first time and prefer a more digital approach, with practical and interactive videos, we recommend some of the top influencers who have won us over and, over time, have educated consumers and revolutionized the way we perceive vegan cooking, such as Carlotta, Lisa Casali, Cristina Mauri and Francesca Giovannini. 

Try their recipe by using our Boniviri products, like Boniviri Il Garbato EVO oil and Etna chili. Remember to tag us, for a perfect Veganuary in the name of a more sustainable cuisine. 




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