Give something that everyone will love:
from small Italian excellent farmers.

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BONIVIRI benefit company

limited liability

Via Etnea 29, Catania

+39 351 577 0816

BONIVIRI benefit company

limited liability

Via Etnea 29, Catania

+39 351 577 0816

img_0632 copia.jpeg

With Boniviri, eating well means creating value.

With the Boniviri project, those who produce and those who consume consciously choose to preserve the values of the territory, local heritage and protect the environment.

With Boniviri, eating well means creating value.

With the Boniviri project, those who produce and those who consume consciously choose to preserve the values of the territory, local heritage and protect the environment.


What to give

to an important client

schermata 2022-02-21 alle 12.06.24



To be original and make a good impression


Whether it's to thank them for a collaboration or to wish for new ones,

 choosing a gift for a client is an opportunity to be carried out with care.



Here you will find our tips and a complete guideto help you choose gifts in 2024.


What to give to an important client?

What to give to your clients for Christmas?

How to place an order with the best value for money.

How to deduct corporate gifts?


to choose a good gift

What to give to an important client?

ciao [nome del cliente], è tempo di mettere da parte le preoccupazioni e lasciarsi trasportare dalla magia delle festività! grazie per essere statoa un clientea così fantasticoa quest'anno. i mome.jpeg

In a professional relationship, a gift should be:


Thoughtful, but not too personal

Writing the name of the recipient on the card will make them feel personally appreciated.

Instead, it's better to avoid a gift tailored to their personal interests outside of work, in order to respect the appropriate separation from private life.


Useful, but also unique

A client will remember us more often and our gift will become part of their daily life. This is why office gadgets with the brand are given... but precisely because they are so common, you need to think of something completely different to be more memorable than others.


Keeping this in mind, you may consider these gift ideas: 


Gift Voucher


Gourmet products

to do team building with you and your team, like a cooking class all together.

a subscription, like 3 months on Spotify… even better if it's for a service from your company.

a kit for relaxation or to stimulate their curiosity.

2 or 3 sought-after and high-quality products and you will make a prestigious gift with the same budget

whatsapp image 2023-03-28 at 17.48.08.jpeg

Whatever you choose,

follow these 3 tips to make a good impression:


1. Choose a gift that expresses your company's values.


What better opportunity to show that you think the same way? Explain why it is an inclusive, ethical, supportive, sustainable gift; how it promotes local producers who have a positive impact in the societies they are part of; which categories of people it supports and which species or habitats it protects. 

By demonstrating the same commitment in other business activities and drafting an impact report, you will be even more credible.



2. Write a personal message.


Use sincere words to thank them for your cooperation. 

The note could stay on the desk to remind mutual respect.

In a digitalized world, a handwritten note makes the message more heartfelt, but if that is not possible, simply writing the customer's name in the dedication and signing it with yours will suffice. 



3. Take care of the packaging

Imagine receiving it yourself and not yet knowing what it contains. 

Opening the gift is such a pleasant experience that “unpacking” content has a big follow-up on social media. 

Design a well-crafted and elegant packaging. 

You could intrigue the recipient by writing small teasers like: “we think you will like…” 


Read the complete guide

What to give to your customers


For these occasions, the most common gift is the Christmas hamper (or Christmas gift), with the gastronomic products that traditionally accompany the holidays: pandoro/panettone, sparkling wine, lentils, cold cuts, and cotechino.


To be original and memorable, follow our advice.

1. Focus on quality, not quantity.


Standard gift baskets may appear abundant at a low price, but the result is a package of products also available at the supermarket, each with reduced quality and portion sizes compared to buying them individually.

The recipient perceives it as a low-key gift.


Opt for at least 2 or 3 refined, high-quality products, and you will give a prestigious gift within the same budget.


2. Create an inclusive basket for everyone.


Your customer's family may follow special diets.

Carefully choosing products could be highly appreciated.

Prefer gluten-free, vegetarian, or products in accordance with religious principles.


Ask your customer before placing the order: they will easily feel that you put the same care into your collaboration.

Then rely on your supplier for the composition of the basket.


3. Don't stop at Christmas, also create other opportunities.


To make a memorable gift, there is no better time than when there are no other competitors.

Take advantage of world days dedicated to important themes for your company (you can easily find calendars online).

Your client will talk more about a gift received in February or September and for a cause they believe in.


Involve customers in celebrating an important milestone for your business: the credit for your growth also goes to their support.

boniviri box regalo cilindro


However, keep in mind that your customers will receive very similar Christmas baskets.

box regalo cold season amb boniviri .jpeg

Download the complete guide

How to place an order with the right quality-price ratio


Distribute the budget effectively and according to relevance.

Write a list with all customers, divide them by relevance, and decide a budget per person for each relevance group. 

This way, it will be easier to put together gifts with the best value for money and quickly calculate the total estimate based on the number of recipients.


Communicate your needs

Share all your needs with the supplier you have chosen to contact, they will help you view the catalog. 

For example, if you decide to exclude alcoholic beverages.


Start early

To have time to personalize the gifts, taking care of the composition, packaging, and message.  

Contact us to create the solution for you

 and Download the guide on gifts for clients, 

you will find many original ideas. 

How to Deduce Business Gifts



Tax treatment distinguishes between: 


REPRESENTATION EXPENSES: these include company gifts and business dinners, aimed at promoting the company's image and maintaining business relationships. To be deductible, they must be carefully documented, justified by work reasons, and proportionate to the company's activity. Their deductibility is limited to a % of business income. 

FREE NATURE DONATIONS: these are donations made without a direct commercial purpose, often to charitable organizations, and can be deducted from the company's taxable income within certain limits and conditions, which tend to be more stringent than representation expenses. 


Consult your accountant for proper management and to maximize tax deductibility.

Download the complete guide

Fill out the form and download the free guide, with tips, examples, and success stories of other companies that have chosen to give gifts with Boniviri.

Why choose Boniviri

Our mission is to create value with food. 

We produce sustainable and high-quality foods. We value the work of small growers who believe in change and help them thrive with us. 

eat well, doing good